Tenant Toolkit: Take photos or video

Take pictures, videos, or record audio to prove that what you are dealing with is real.

While you cannot secretly record a person in California (it’s a misdemeanor unless you have permission), you should definitely take pictures, videos, or record audio to prove that what you are dealing with is real. Include a time stamp if you can.

Also, if you are taking video, be sure to describe what it is you are trying to show. Speak as if you are talking to the landlord in a nice, formal tone. Tell the landlord how often the problem you are recording has happened, and mention the last time you requested help. As always, please remain calm and polite.

Remember: Always save the original files.

If you eventually need to file a lawsuit, the originals of a video or photograph may be important, because they show when the file was made and prove that no one photo-shopped anything.

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